Media Creation Excellence - Guiding & Mentoring You All The Way!

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Got an idea that would make a great film?

Got a screenplay you can't get sold or optioned?

Want to turn your screenplay into a film or web series, but don't have budget or know exactly how to get it made?

Don't have time for film school?

I'm here to get you across that finish line. I will get you the knowledge and connections of film school at a fraction of the price.

I'll coach and mentor you personally to not only get your screenplay written, but get it into the right hands and get it sold and made!

Got time for a quick call? I'd like to drill-down and get specific with you. Most people aren't ready for this. Are you? If so, schedule a FREE call with me and let's figure it out together. Here's the link:


I have absolutely NO doubt you can succeed in the media creation industry. Whether that's Hollywood, corporate USA, or as an independent. I've advised and mentored hundreds of professional media creators achieve stunning results - and with budgets of all sizes.

How would your life change if you actually got that screenplay written? What if it won awards? What if producers and filmmakers kept requesting it from you? What if it got made?

I'll bet your life would change for the better.

I want you to succeed. I will be there to help you figure it out. I'll help you pivot when you make the (inevitable) mistakes along the way - that's why you HAVE a coach.

Got time for a quick call? I'd like to drill-down and get specific with you. Most people aren't ready for this. Are you? If so, schedule a FREE call with me and let's figure it out together. Here's the link:



A detailed plan to get your desired result. Specific steps to take to be successful immediately. Intense 1:1 coaching and mentoring to bring results that will be life-changing.

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$3,000 every 6 months

Media Creation Excellence - Guiding & Mentoring You All The Way!

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